Rhiannon "Krystanova"
Breed, Gender: Solitus
Height, Weight, Age: 6' 0', 122 lbs., 22
years old
Profession: Adventurer
Organization: Member of The Honored
Date of Settlement: May 27, 29476
Home City: Rome Blue, Building 10
Favorite Location: The Eremite Statue in
Rome Red
Preferred Weapons: Sol Execs, Mantis
Scissors, or Frost Shard
Preferred Armor: Adventurer Tier 1 w/
Albrecht Tank
Preferred Clothing: Miir Blue
General Personality: Extroverted,
Exploration-minded, Helpful, Generous
Major Goals: Catalog all animals and plants.
Find her mentor.
Krystanova can best be described as a loner. Arriving
on Rubi-Ka with the first wave of settlers after the restrictions
were lifted, the bright-eyed young woman was hopeful that
Rubi-Ka would fulfill the dreams of the young zoologist
and explorer. Having just graduated from her academy with
a degree in astrozoology and evolutionary manipulation
theory, Rubi-Ka's wildlife presented her with unique opportunities.
Teaming up with one of Rubi-Ka's greatest explorers, Krystanova
set about researching and cataloging the many varied faunas.
Learning much about the world, she had begun to love it's
great diversity.
While out on a field expedition as the explorer's assistant
in Deep Artery Valley, the research team was ambushed
by an encampment of clan militiamen setting up operations
for a raid on Outpost 10-3. As the research team fled
the soldiers, they came upon an area the explorer only
referred to as "The Altar." Warning her team
to tread cautiously, the team made it's way through the
forest with the clanners not far behind.
As the team moved forward, Krystanova heard faint rumblings
move past her, in the direction of the clanners. Suddenly,
as the team came into view of the militia, a trio of Forest
Eremites emerged around the clanners. Stunned, the clan
militia attempted to face down the Eremites, only to be
cut down swiftly by the menacing powerhouses.
During this time, the team moved slowly to a rock outcropping
a few feet away. Krystanova heard the explorer say "I
have returned" and chant something in an unknown
language. At this many of her team became fearful and
fled the scene, risking their lives in the deep wild rather
than sit and wait to be prey of the Eremites. However,
within a moment of finishing her statement, an aura appeared
around the explorer, and she knelt before a great rock
statue... of an Eremite. After a pause, she arose and
said, "Now, I am truly the Queen of the Eremites!"
The Eremites paused in their fight, as only one clanner
was left. They looked at the strange light from the rocks,
and were aware. The largest of them, named by the explorer
Val'qadas, speared the remaining clanner and made it's
way to the statue. Krystanova stood in fear as the giant
moved past her, and laid the body of the soldier at the
explorers feet.
The explorer turned to look at Krystanova. She said, "My
friend, do not fear. They are my allies now. I am loyal
to them, and they to me. They will not harm us."
Continuing, she said, "You and I have done much together,
my young friend. Your knowledge is nearly as great as
mine, and you will do much to expand on it. However, I
cannot return to the world we share any longer. No longer
can I be a ward of Omni-Tek, for this is now my home.
So, go, my friend, and take my knowledge of the world and
love of the animals back to Rome with you. When you see
the statue there, think of me, Princess of the Eremites."
And with that, the Queen placed her hand on Krystanova's
head in a friendly gesture. Krystanova felt a surge in
her mind, and her knowledge of the world was made equal
to that of the new Queen. She looked up at Nynx, and understood.
With that, the Queen commanded Krystanova to journey back
to the newly restored Omni-Tek outpost alone. She also
commanded Val'qadas to secretly protect the young zoologist
as she journeyed home. Reluctantly, Krystanova turned
to leave her friend to a new life.
After a few days of journeying, and several close calls,
a weakened Krystanova made her way to Outpost 10-3. There,
she was cared for by Omni-Med personnel and interviewed
about her experiences. She did not mention the events
with the explorer, feeling that doing so would only risk
the life of her friend. Thanked by Omni-Pol for her valiant
efforts against the clan (though she did very little),
she was transported home to Rome, where she decided that
she would become a great explorer too. As she traded her
lab coat for armor and a weapon for protection, and a
picture and notebook for knowledge, she hoped to one day
see her friend again.
As she passed by the Eremite in Rome, on her way to her
first exploratory mission, she remembered the words of
her friend, "When you see the statue there, think
of me, Princess of the Eremites...." |