Gabriella "Nynx" Rouse
Breed, Gender: Solitus
Height, Weight, Age: 6' 1', 124 lbs., 25
years old
Profession: Shade (via genetic recoding)
Organization: None at this time
Date of Settlement: Unknown original
Home City: None at this time
Favorite Location: None at this time
Preferred Weapons: Sigds
Preferred Armor: Primus or Tech Armor
Preferred Clothing: Miir Blue
General Personality: Introverted, Helpful
Major Goals: Rediscover her past and
restore her life. |
Nynx cannot remember much about who she is or where she
came from. Indeed, the only memories she has from before
are in pictures, and most of her 24 years are lost on
her. She does remember being found, cold, nude, and
nearly dead, by an explorers team investigating reports
of a dark presence near the Eremite Altar in Deep Artery
Valley.The reports of the explorers give a
few details on what may have befallen Nynx out in that
"As we approached the Island of Fear and Loathing, we could make
out fights going on between several eremites and an unusually strong contingent
of bileswarm-like creatures. Research suggests that the eremites of this area
have long been guarding something, and we expected they would repel such an
assault. It seems, however, that these bileswarms were driven by an unknown
energy, and, despite the loss of many of their members, managed to overtake the
eremites and win control of the mystical place. Indeed, no sooner had the
eremites been defeated, than two bileswarm creatures immediately took positions
around the statue, and began some kind of odd ritual, which we suspect was
performed to summon The Pest, an apparent bileswarm king.
We made a
flyover of the area, concerned that what appeared to be a simple fight between
animals could be so much like our wars and battles. Our concern grew worse when,
approximately 2000 meters north-northwest of the statue, we detected the fading
heat signatures of a Homo solitus. While we all knew Rubi-Ka has resurrection
technology, we instantly recognized that this person was dying, because there
was no sign of any resurrection signatures in her energy patterns. We decided
that we had to try and save this person. Fortunately, she was safely away from
the carnage, and our craft landed nearby.
As we approached the subject, a
monstrous eremite, who had been even further north, exploded from the ground
before her. As we prepared to fire on the beast, we noted that it seemed to be
guarding the body, rather than attacking us. Remaining in a ready state, we
approached the beast, who shocked us by 'communicating' with us the nature of
the person we were rescuing. 'This is the Queen. Please remove her from here as
quickly as you can. It is no longer safe for her to remain with us. This place
has already been lost to the darkness. Take her from here... take her now,' said
the beast.
Then, moving aside, the creature settled lower into the
ground, observing our actions. We approached the subject, whose body was
surrounded by a light blue aura, not of nanobot origin. Despite a massive
laceration that had torn her body from the upper left shoulder to the upper
right thigh, and a stomach largely torn open, the woman still lived, though
barely. Immediately summoning our doctor, he placed the woman into stasis and
began prepping the broken body for transport."
From here, the report describes the process of her healing.
Omni-Med personnel were amazed that the woman had survived such dramatic
traumas, and were even further amazed by her incredible regeneration. They also
noted that the mysterious blue aura faded, curiously, as stronger and stronger
beasts were reported in the area of the statue.
It was also determined that this woman's DNA matched that of an
explorer noted as missing in Omni-Tek's records, named Gabriella "Nynx" Rouse.
Uncertain of what truly befell Nynx out in the valley, Omni-Pol took control of
her case and began her rehabilitation. Interview after interview revealed
nothing of her history, save from the time of her rescue forward, as Nynx had
apparently suffered almost total memory loss during her dying stages, even
though her brain showed no damage. Having no recourse but to release her after
she completely healed, the security organization gave her a new name and
profession template. Omni-Pol released Nynx on her own recognizance on the 25th
of November, 29476.