The brontos are among Rubi-Ka's most important
animals, providing the citizens of the planet with a stable
source of protein. Indeed, the role these elegant creatures
serve on Rubi-Ka is very similar to that filled by cattle
and bison on Earth, whose domestication and farming have
been a critical staple in many human diets for over 32000
years. The average settler is probably very familiar with
the fast-food chain Bronto Burger, whose primary menu
consists of products made from bronto meat.
Generally, most settlers will only ever encounter the
baby bronto, because it is only during their earliest
youth that brontos can be adequately taken care of on
farms. Typically, the oldest bronto one is likely to
encounter on a farm is a young bronto, and only when
market conditions have created a decreased demand for
bronto meat. By this age, these brontos have already
begun to wear out their welcome on farms, and is around
the time most brontos are released into the wild, or
killed for consumption. For those released, they may
mature into the largest bronto on Rubi-Ka, the bronto
mama. In an unusual play on sexual dimorphism, it is
only the female brontos that fully mature into the largest
sizes, and the males remain in a smaller state.
This is likely because of the origins of these animals.
Brontos are genetic variations upon ancient DNA extracted
from a frozen sauropod dinosaur discovered in 4209 with
the final meltdown of Antarctica on Earth. In the variations
we encounter on Rubi-Ka, the mamas have grown horns
and are capable of giving birth to live young, as opposed
to laying eggs in typical dinosaurian fashion.