The vultures are true descendants of their ancient
Earth relatives, but not the ones we generally know
of from Earth history. Researchers in paleontology will
recall a time in Earth's history when large predatory
birds were commonplace, during the late Paleogene and
early Neogene periods. These vultures seem to be genetic
reconstructions of those ancient beasts, with only passing
resemblance to vultures as we know them.
Vultures are tremendously aggressive, and indeed may
be the most aggressive animals on Rubi-Ka. A vulture
will attack from anywhere within its range, and their
range seems extensive. I was once attacked by a Vulture
Squabbler in Greater Omni Forest. When it began attacking,
it appeared as a small speck on the horizon. Vultures
are also group animals, which means locations within
there range may harbor large flocks of them, increasing
the threat. Finally, vultures are fearless, willingly
attempting to prey upon an Omni-Pol Supreme, even at
the cost of its life.
As with many of the more dangerous animals on Rubi-Ka,
when traveling in known vulture territory, proceed with
utmost care and studiously avoid any flocks that appear
on your map.